Police Reports: Appliances, more taken from Northfield home; 8+ cars broken into on Valentine’s Day
These reports were pulled from the latest police summaries provided by departments in our coverage area (Wilmette, Winnetka, Northfield, Kenilworth and Glencoe).
Feb. 23
• Items reportedly were stolen at 3:28 p.m. from the Walgreens at 3232 Lake Ave.
• An unknown individual allegedly tried to steal a bicycle from a garage in the 1100 block of Chestnut Avenue.
Feb. 22
• A bicycle reportedly was stolen from an unlocked garage in the 1000 block of Linden Avenue and another bike — a Raleigh racing bike — from an unlocked storage locker in the 400 block of Greenleaf Avenue.
Feb. 21
• Flowerpots reportedly were damaged at three locations: two of them in the 1100 block of Central Avenue and the other in the 1100 block of Wilmette Avenue.
• The windows of a Ford Explorer reportedly were broken in the 500 block of Green Bay Road.
• The windows of a Buick Electra reportedly were broken in the 400 block of Linden Avenue. Police arrested a subject on Feb. 24 in relation to the incident.
Feb. 19
• A resident reportedly was the victim of a ruse burglary when a man wearing a construction vest told her she needed to turn off her water. He reportedly followed the resident into their home and the resident later discovered items were missing.
Feb. 18
• Retail items reportedly were stolen from a CVS Pharmacy in Plaza del Lago, 1515 Sheridan Road.
Feb. 16
• Unauthorized charges (airline tickets) in the amount of $1,035 reportedly were made on a resident’s credit card.
Nothing of note reported from Feb. 16-23
Feb. 20
• A home in the 0-100 block of Hibbard Road reportedly was burglarized between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Entry to the home was allegedly made through the garage door, and appliances and personal items estimated at $25,000 reportedly were stolen.
Feb. 15
• Hair-care products worth more than $300 reportedly were stolen from the Walgreens at 1825 Willow Road.
Feb. 14
• At least eight cars reportedly were illegally entered overnight. In many of the incidents, nothing was reported missing from the cars; however, in a car in the 800 block of Happ Road, a gun and ammunition reportedly were stolen. Cash and phone chargers reportedly were taken from a car in the 300 block of Jeffrey Street. Other incidents occurred in the 500 to 600 block of Happ Road and in the 200 block of Suffork Road.
The Record’s police reports are taken from police-activity summaries prepared by local police departments. Police Reports contain public information from preliminary reports and are not a complete listing of all police activity. The Record does not publish the names of individuals arrested for nonviolent crimes in preliminary reports unless the incident is a matter of public safety or has broad community implications. All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty.
This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.