Winnetka, Elections

Meet the Candidates: New Trier Township (Uncontested)

Five incumbents and two newcomers are seeking elected positions to represent New Trier Township.

Supervisor Gail Eisenberg is seeking another term, as are Assessor Jan Churchwell, Clerk Jerome Hoyes, and Trustees Stefan Mozer and Kate Casale MacNally. Jessica Tucker and Mark Peterson are running for the other two trustee seats, as the terms of Elliott Robbins and Danielle Ruben expire.

Below are basic profiles of the candidates, each of whom submitted a digital form upon request from The Record. Hoyes, Peterson and MacNally did not return the form by press time (Thursday, March 27).

These profiles are a layer of The Record’s election coverage and are meant to provide community members with basic information about those running for and taking public office. The Record will not conduct independent interviews for uncontested races.

Township Supervisor

Name: Gail Eisenberg

Residence: Wilmette

Professional experience: Attorney

Community experience/involvement: New Trier Township: supervisor, 2021-2025; trustee 2017-2021

• NTHS Community Advisory Group 2024-2025

• Evanston Hospital Community Advisory Committee, 2023-present

• District 39 Community Review Committee, 2019-2021

• Girl Scouts, volunteer since 2013, Gold awardee

• LWV-Wilmette board member since 2020

• Leadership and pro bono work for various bar associations, nonprofits and advocacy groups

Why are you running for reelection to this public office?

Over the past eight years, I have proudly pursued New Trier Township’s mission, by providing leadership, advocacy and resources to benefit the physical, mental and social well-being of our residents. The township has trusted me to aid the most vulnerable who might otherwise slip through the cracks. With that trust, we have modernized operations, decreased administrative costs, and increased services. We have updated our income thresholds for financial aid, improved food pantry operations, and upgraded government transparency, outreach, and communications. I am seeking reelection because the township is moving in the right direction, and I’d like to maintain the momentum.

Township Assessor

Name: Jan Churchwell

Residence: Northfield

Professional/community experience: Township assessor since 2014

Why are you running for reelection to this public office?

Every property owner has the right to have property assessment and tax questions heard and answered. With more than 1.9 million properties, Cook County is the second-largest jurisdiction in the country, and county-level personnel simply cannot (respond) satisfactorily with all questions. My office is the local source and resource for (New Trier Township) residents. If we know the answer to a question, we will tell you. If we do not know, we will get it.

I am proud of the job my office does, I believe in its importance, and I am pleased to have been asked to continue in the role.

Township Trustee

Name: Jessica Tucker

Residence: Winnetka

Professional experience: Civil litigation/appellate attorney, arbitrator chair – Circuit Court of Cook County Mandatory Arbitration Program

Community experience/involvement: Currently: New Trier Township Restorative Justice Program (PEER Jury) Youth Advocate, League of Women Voters – Winnetka-Northfield-Kenilworth, Winnetka Caucus Council, New Trier Township High School substitute teacher. Former: New Trier Township Disability Support Committee, Winnetka Village Council (trustee and village president)

Why are you running for this public office?

I am passionate about public service and giving back, and have done so in various capacities throughout my life. With its focus on social services and humanitarian aid, New Trier Township is unique among local governments. I look forward to continuing to build upon the many services, resources, and agency partnerships already in place for our residents, while being cognizant of taxpayer dollars. It will be my privilege to serve our awesome township as trustee.

Name: Stefan Mozer

Residence: Wilmette

Professional experience: An attorney for more than 45 years, specializing in probate matters with an expertise in cases involving adults with disabilities and minors. He was a member of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Chicago Bar Association that wrote the Illinois Power of Attorney for Property and Health Care statutes. He has written and lectured in numerous forums on probate matters including guardianships and related issues.

Community experience/involvement: Stefan Mozer is a 38-year resident of Wilmette and began his service with NTT in 1999 on the Township’s Health and Human Services Committee for six years before being elected a township trustee in 2005. He has served in that capacity from 2005-2017, and from 2019 to the present.

Why are you running for reelection to this public office?

I want to continue to serve as a trustee along with other board members and be responsible for the allocation of tax dollars for social service agencies and programs that benefit the residents of the township. I also want to heighten awareness of township and municipal governments and the services they can provide to the community.

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This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.

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