Winnetka, Elections

Candidate Interviews: Winnetka Park Board (6 for 3 seats) (Audio)

Six candidates, including just one incumbent, are competing for three seats on the Winnetka Park District Board of Commissioners.

Incumbent Colleen Root is seeking a second term and is caucus endorsed along with candidates Elise Gibson and Scott Corley. The three caucus candidates, however, are not running together. Root is running on shared platforms ( with Steve Juliusson and Mary Garrison, a former Park Board member (1991-2007). Gibson and Corley are running along with Frederick Johnson (

A seventh candidate, Matthew McCarron, removed himself from the race; however, he remains on the ballot.

Click to view basic profiles of the candidates collected and published by The Record.

Each candidate was interviewed by The Record Editor in Chief Joe Coughlin and their responses were recorded and timed. Questions are listed in the order they were asked, and the candidates are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot. You can use the navigation tools below to skip to specific questions. You can listen to the audio recordings grouped by candidate at these links: Elise Gibson | Scott Corley | Colleen Root | Frederick Johnson | Mary Garrison | Steve Juliusson.

JUMP TO: Opening statements | Gibson: Conflict accusation response | Centennial beach plan | Elder Lane Beach | Tension with VillageProgramming Closing statements

Opening statements

(For Elise Gibson) A fellow candidate has claimed your husband’s presence on the Village’s Design Review Board is a conflict of interest that you failed to disclose. What is your response do you respond to that?

The district has had it will not alter plans for Centennial Park Beach despite a negative Village review. Is that the best path forward for the plans?

Can Elder Lane Beach open by this summer? Should Elder Lane Beach open by this summer?

Tensions have arisen between the Village and park district. How did it get to this point? And what is the district’s best path forward?

How are park district’s programs serving Winnetka families? Where is room for improvement?

Closing statements

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This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.

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