Winnetka, Elections

Candidate Interviews: Winnetka District 36 Board of Education (4 for 3 seats) (Audio)

Four candidates are competing for three terms on the Winnetka Public Schools District 36 Board of Education.

Incumbents Alyssa Rapp and Dan Waters are seeking their second respective terms, while Andrew Hotz and Patrick Conway, who also ran in 2023, are in search of a first term. Click to view basic profiles of the candidates collected and published by The Record.

Each candidate was interviewed by The Record Editor in Chief Joe Coughlin and their responses were recorded and timed. Questions are listed in the order they were asked, and the candidates are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot. You can use the navigation tools below to skip to specific questions. You can listen to the audio recordings grouped by candidate at these links: Patrick Conway | Andrew Hotz | Alyssa Rapp | Dan Waters.

JUMP TO: Opening statements | Progressive education | Skokie School | Child mental health | Teachers’ concerns | Closing Statements

Opening statements

How is District 36 upholding its commitment to progressive education?

For the district’s overall well-being, what is the most effective future for The Skokie School and how does the district get there?

How is the district addressing student mental health and what more can be done?

In a recent survey, district educators expressed concerns with the demands of district goals. How should educators fit into the district’s improvement plan?

Closing statements

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joe coughlin
Joe Coughlin

Joe Coughlin is a co-founder and the editor in chief of The Record. He leads investigative reporting and reports on anything else needed. Joe has been recognized for his investigative reporting and sports reporting, feature writing and photojournalism. Follow Joe on Twitter @joec2319

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