Wilmette, News

Police Reports: Kidnapping and battery charges, series of garage burglaries

The following reports were pulled from the latest police summaries provided by departments in our coverage area (Wilmette, Winnetka, Highland Park, Northfield, Kenilworth and Glencoe).


Feb. 23

• A power tool reportedly was stolen from an unlocked detached garage in the 600 block of Greenleaf Avenue.

• Multiple bicycles reportedly were stolen from an unlocked detached garage in the 700 block of Greenleaf Avenue.

• A bicycle reportedly was stolen from an unlocked detached garage in the 600 block of Forest Avenue.

• A bicycle reportedly was stolen — and later recovered nearby — from an unlocked detached garage in the 200 block of Linden Avenue.

Feb. 20

• An individual was arrested for allegedly breaking into a home in the 2200 block of Washington Avenue and kidnapping and battering a former romantic partner and the partner’s friend. According to the police report, the partner worked in the Wilmette home as a live-in caretaker. The arrested individual forced the partner and friend into his car and drove off. The partner reportedly flagged down an Evanston police officer and Wilmette police officers soon responded to the scene.

• A window reportedly was broken in a work van in the 800 block of Ridge Road.

• Alcohol reportedly was stolen from a business in the 1500 block of Sheridan Road.

• An individual reportedly was battered and robbed on Feb. 19 in the 1000 block of Central Avenue.

Feb. 17

• Jewelry reportedly was stolen from a home in the 500 block of Ridge Road.


Feb. 19

• A package reportedly was stolen from a porch in the 600 block of Lincoln Avenue.

• A mailed check reportedly was stolen, altered and cashed.


Feb. 15

• Jewelry and luggage valued at nearly $20,000 reportedly was missing following a move.

• A resident reportedly was scammed out of $200 by an individual purportedly selling a camera online.


Feb. 22

• A pair of eyeglass worth approximately $900 reportedly was stolen from Zeifert Eye Care, 1849 Green Bay Road.

Feb. 19

• An empty package reportedly was delivered to a home in the 100 block of Leonard Wood S.

• A package reportedly was taken from a business in the 1800 block of Second Street.

Feb. 18

• Three pieces of jewelry reportedly was missing from TrueNorth Education Cooperative, 760 Red Oak Lane.


Feb. 18

• A customer at Breaking Point Shell, 1855 Willow Road, reportedly was verbally threatening and was issued warning to no longer visit the business.


No incidents reported between Feb. 14-21

The Record’s police reports are taken from police-activity summaries prepared by local police departments. Police Reports contain public information from preliminary reports and are not a complete listing of all police activity. The Record does not publish the names of individuals arrested and named in preliminary reports unless the incident is a matter of public safety or has significant community implications. All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty.


This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.

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