Meet the Candidates: Wilmette Village Board, 4 for 3 seats
JUMP TO: Mark Steen | Ryrie Pellaton | Michael Lieber | Justin Sheperd (i)
i: incumbent
Four candidates, including one incumbent, are competing for three open seats on the Village of Wilmette Board of Trustees.
Justin Sheperd is the lone incumbent on the ballot, while Trustee Kate Gjaja recently removed herself from contention and Trustee Kathy Dodd is terming out of office (two terms).
Below are basic profiles of the three individuals, each of whom submitted a digital form upon request from The Record. The order they are presented was selected at random.
These profiles are just one layer of The Record’s election coverage and are meant to provide community members with basic information about those running for public office. Prior to the election on April 1, The Record will also conduct and publish independent interviews with the candidates.

Name: Mark Steen
Professional experience: VP, sustainability and Climate Change initiatives, Corning Incorporated
Community experience/involvement: Elected twice to D39 School Board; served eight years including as president and vice president
• Served three terms on the New Trier School Board caucus
• As a member of D39 Education Foundation, helped start Science Olympiad
• Helped lead New Trier and Wilmette school referenda
• League of Women Voters member
Why are you running for this public office?
I am deeply committed to strengthening our community and have a proven, distinctive combination of dedication, demeanor, skills and experience to contribute as a trustee.
We all love the hometown feel of Wilmette. Preserving it requires sustainable and welcoming policies balanced with fiscally responsible stewardship of our infrastructure and services.
I have extensive experience as a Wilmette leader (elected and informal) and a professional background in business, finance, physics (Ph.D.) and sustainability. Together these represent a combination of skills both valuable for the board and unique among candidates. I’d like to continue to use them on behalf of our community.

Name: Ryrie Pellaton
Professional experience: Construction and facilities management and serial volunteer
Community experience: Commissioner, Zoning Board of Appeals (current),
• Park district commissioner (former),
• New Trier Booster Club president (former),
• Committee chair on village-wide PTO (former),
• Central PTA (former),
• Sesquicentennial committee member (former),
• Troop 5 Scout civics merit badge counselor (former),
• COVID vaccine clinic volunteer (former),
• Dog beach regular with our 8-year-old dog, Bella.
Why are you running for this public office?
We moved here after our children were born. Our family has benefited greatly from life in Wilmette and I am hoping to earn your vote so that I may give back by serving as a trustee. My professional and volunteer experience make me well suited to be a member of the board: The Village is planning a new police station and further development of the Green Bay Road corridor. My extensive construction and facilities management experience along with my Wilmette Zoning knowledge distinguishes me from the other candidates.
I have served on many Boards and understand the need to work collaboratively to improve our village.

Name: Michael Lieber
Professional experience: Attorney
Community experience/involvement: I’ve volunteered in Wilmette for nearly 20 years, including three terms on New Trier’s School Board Caucus; the D39 Educational Foundation, including being the long-time BINGO caller at D39’s fundraiser; at the Park District as a boys and girls soccer and flag football coach, and at McKenzie, Highcrest and Wilmette Junior High schools.
Why are you running for this public office?
My family and I have lived in Wilmette for nearly 20 years. My wife and I have three children who we’ve raised in Wilmette and who’ve attended D39 schools and New Trier. We loved Wilmette when we first got here, and we love it even more now. Wilmette is thriving. Our downtown is vibrant. The Village is well-run and is in a fiscally sound position. I’m running for Village Board because we’re a strong community that warrants thoughtful, practical, balanced people to step up and serve. I’m stepping up because I’m that kind of person, and I’m a consensus-builder.

Name: Justin Sheperd
Professional experience: Investment management
Community experience: I currently serve as a village trustee, previously served on the Wilmette Plan Commission, and have been actively involved with several nonprofit boards. Additionally, I have lectured on financial literacy in the Chicago Public Schools system.
Why are you seeking reelection for this public office?
Having lived in Wilmette for 20 years, I take great pride in our community. This pride led me to run for village trustee four years ago, and it now drives me to seek reelection. I’m grateful to have contributed to initiatives that enhance Wilmette’s strength, vibrancy, and quality of life.
With a background in financial management and due diligence, I bring a pragmatic approach to addressing key challenges and opportunities. I’m proud of our progress but know there’s more to do. I remain committed to ensuring Wilmette’s long-term success and would be honored to continue serving.
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This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.