New Trier’s superintendent search begins — with officials hoping it ends in November
New Trier Board of Education members heard a presentation on Monday, July 15, from Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates, the search firm that has been tasked with finding the high school’s next superintendent.
At the board’s May meeting, Dr. Paul Sally announced that he will be retiring as superintendent at the conclusion of the upcoming school year. The board at that time also hired HYA to conduct the search for Sally’s successor.
While the firm was only hired just under two months ago, Dr. Constance “Connie” Collins, a member of the search team, said it has already started recruitment, which began on July 1 and will last until Sept. 30.
Collins detailed the process for board members, which includes an extensive public engagement process. There will be focus groups consisting of students, parents, staff and community members, forums that are open to the public, and an online survey. These will be conducted in August and September.
“We really want everybody to have an opportunity to contribute,” Collins said. “Hopefully people can attend the focus groups and/or be a part of the forum, but if not, that’s why we have the online survey.”
All participants, regardless of what event they attend, will be asked the same questions, according to search team member Dr. Glenn “Max” McGee, which are being generated from a list of desired qualifications and attributes that the district would like to see in its next superintendent.
McGee said that list came from interviews with board members and administrators.
The results of that will be compiled into a report known as the District Strengths, Challenges, and Leadership Profile. The profile will be presented to the board on Sept. 16.
HYA will then screen candidates throughout September, presenting a slate of candidates to the School Board by Oct. 7.
A first round of interviews will be held on Oct. 16 and 17, with finalist interviews being done between Oct. 28 and Nov. 1.
Collins said the goal is to have the new superintendent selected by Nov. 18.
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Peter Kaspari
Peter Kaspari is a blogger and a freelance reporter. A 10-year veteran of journalism, he has written for newspapers in both Iowa and Illinois, including spending multiple years covering crime and courts. Most recently, he served as the editor for The Lake Forest Leader. Peter is also a longtime resident of Wilmette and New Trier High School alumnus.