Free Bird: Winnetka Fire Department rescues red-tailed hawk
Birdie, eagle, albatross, hawk. One of these don’t belong on the golf course — unless that course was Indian Hill Club on Aug. 16.
A red-tail hawk became the center of attention at the Winnetka facility when it was caught in a discarded fishing line in a tree.
Dan Dunn, who witnessed the scene, said the bird was entangled into the line and hanging by its neck, struggling, when Winnetka firefighters — Lt. Jon Colpaert and firefighters Zach Fudalej and Christian Kroeger — showed up and saved its life.

According to Dunn, a firefighter waded into the water and raised a pole for the hawk to grab onto, while another firefighter cut the branch.
They lowered the hawk to the ground, wrapped it in a towel and cut the line from its neck.
Dunn said the hawk was calm during the event and, after a couple photos, was released, flying away seemingly unharmed.
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Rosie Newmark
Rosie Newmark is a 2023 Record intern and an incoming senior studying journalism and history at Northwestern University. Rosie has written for multiple campus publications in addition to the Hyde Park Herald and American Libraries Magazine.

Joe Coughlin
Joe Coughlin is a co-founder and the editor in chief of The Record. He leads investigative reporting and reports on anything else needed. Joe has been recognized for his investigative reporting and sports reporting, feature writing and photojournalism. Follow Joe on Twitter @joec2319