5 candidates for 3 seats on Highland Park City Council
In 2023 Highland Park voters will elect officials who will be among the first to lead the community on a road forward following the tragedy on July 4, 2022.
All five candidates running for Highland Park City Council told The Record they recognize the gravity of that responsibility.
Anthony Blumberg is seeking his fourth term and Adam Stolberg his second, while Jeff Hoobler, Yumi Ross and Kelly Nichols are running for their first.
Councilmember Michelle Holleman is not seeking re-election.
Each candidate was interviewed by The Record Editor in Chief Joe Coughlin and their responses were recorded and are available below in the order of when they were asked. The candidates are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot. You can use the navigation tools below to skip to specific question that interests you. To listen to a candidate’s answers in succession, click here: Anthony Blumberg (incumbent) | Jeffrey Hoobler | Yumi Ross | Adam Stolberg (incumbent) | Kelly Nichols
JUMP TO: Introductions | Community Accomplishments | Personal Strengths | July 4 Aftermath | Public Safety | Economic Vitality | Affordable Housing | Other Important Issues | Closing Statement
Why are you running for Highland Park City Council
Describe one or two things you are proud of from your time in public and/or community service
What unique characteristics do you possess that would be an asset to the Highland Park City Council?
The community is recovering from the tragedy of July 4, 2022. What do the people of Highland Park need more of now and in the long-term? How does the council enable that?
What does improving public safety mean to you? And is Highland Park doing enough in that space?
Is Highland Park doing enough to fill vacant storefront and improve economic vitality? What more can be done?
The City has taken steps to increase affordable and accessible housing. What is the appropriate housing mix for Highland Park and is the City maintaining it?
What is another big issue or two facing residents and how will you help address it?
Closing statements
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This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.