Police Reports: Package thefts and mail fraud
These reports were pulled from the latest police summaries provided by departments in our coverage area (Wilmette, Winnetka, Northfield, Kenilworth and Glencoe).
Feb. 13
• A package reportedly was stolen from a porch in the 900 block of Chestnut Avenue.
• A catalytic converter reportedly was stolen from a car parked at a home in the 400 block of Ridge Road.
• Two train cars reportedly were defaced with graffiti at the Linden Square CTA stop, 349 Linden Ave.
• A home reportedly was broken into in the 400 block of Wilshire Drive East. A door to the home reportedly was unlocked.
Feb. 12
• A man was arrested for disorderly conduct after allegedly propositioning an individual in the 1500 block of Sheridan Road.
Feb. 11
• A dog walker reportedly was threatened in the 300 block of Skokie Boulevard.
Feb. 10
• Apple AirPods reportedly were stolen from a classroom at New Trier High School, 385 Winnetka Ave.
Feb. 9
• More than $850 in medicine and alcohol reportedly were stolen from Walgreens, 925 Green Bay Road.
Feb. 8
• Several packages reportedly were stolen from a home in the 600 block of Garland Avenue.
Feb. 7
• A car reportedly was stolen overnight from a business. The business reportedly was unlocked and the car keys were inside the building. The alleged stolen vehicle was recovered in Chicago, the report says.
Feb. 6
• A check mailed between Jan. 21-Feb. 1 reportedly was stolen, altered and cashed in an amount exceeding $5,000.
Feb. 8
• A $95 bottle of Scotch reportedly was stolen from Binny’s Beverage Depot, 85 Green Bay Road.
Feb. 7
• A mailed check reportedly was stolen, altered and cashed for $1,700.
• A mailed check reportedly was stolen, altered and cashed for $10,000.
• Several fraudulent charges reportedly were made to a resident’s credit card after an unknown individual reportedly canceled the credit card and acquired a new one.
The Record’s police reports are taken from police-activity summaries prepared by local police departments. Police Reports contain public information from preliminary reports and are not a complete listing of all police activity. The Record does not publish the names of individuals arrested and named in in preliminary reports unless the incident is a matter of public safety or has significant community implications. All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty.
This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.