Police Reports: Two break-ins to Glencoe businesses, attempted burglary to Wilmette Market
These reports were pulled from the latest police summaries provided by departments in our coverage area (Wilmette, Winnetka, Northfield, Kenilworth and Glencoe).
Jan. 24
• A home reportedly was broken into in the 300 block of Park Avenue. A rear door allegedly was forced open.
Jan. 23
• A vehicle reportedly sped away from a police officer attempting to make a traffic stop. The car was located a short time later abandoned after it crashed, police say.
Jan. 21
• Police reportedly witnessed subjects at 5:17 a.m. attempt to break a window to and enter Wilmette Market, 3534 Lake Ave. Offenders reportedly fled the scene onto Interstate 94.
• Several fraudulent withdrawals reportedly were made from a resident’s bank account.
Jan. 20
• A car reportedly was stolen from a driveway in the 200 block of 17th Street.
Jan. 20
• Nearly $1,500 reportedly was stolen through a Burlington account opened fraudulently using a resident’s information.
Jan. 18
• A home reportedly was broken into in the 1000 block of Sunset Road. A door reportedly was damaged to gain entry into the home.
Jan. 17
• A bicycle reportedly was stolen between 5:30-11:30 p.m. from Carleton Washburne School, 515 Hibbard Road.
Jan. 16
• A mailed check reportedly was stolen, altered and cashed for an amount exceeding $5,000.
Jan. 20
• Two businesses in downtown Glencoe reportedly were broken into and ransacked at 378 Park Ave. In one business a Bluetooth speaker and Square card reader reportedly were stolen.
No reports between Jan. 16-22 that fit The Record’s standards for publication
Jan. 18
• A resident’s credit card reportedly received fraudulent charges for $2,000 to PayPal.
• Store credit accounts reportedly were opened using a resident’s personal information.
The Record’s police reports are taken from police-activity summaries prepared by local police departments. Police Reports contain public information from preliminary reports and are not a complete listing of all police activity. The Record does not publish the names of individuals arrested and named in in preliminary reports unless the incident is a matter of public safety or has significant community implications. All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty.
This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.