Police Reports: Northfield home burglarized, bank accounts compromised
These reports were pulled from the latest police summaries provided by departments in our coverage area (Wilmette, Winnetka, Northfield, Kenilworth and Glencoe).
Sept. 2
• A car reportedly stolen from the 100 block of Hibbard Road was recovered in the 7200 block of Cornell in Chicago.
Sept. 2
• A bank account reportedly was opened using a resident’s personal information without the resident’s knowledge. Funds surpassing $5,000 allegedly were transferred to and stolen from the account.
Sept. 1
• Fraudulent checks in an amount exceeding $5,000 reportedly were forged and cashed on a resident’s checking account.
Sept. 7
• A vehicle with an expired registration reportedly fled the scene of a traffic stop and was not located by police.
Sept. 6
• Three individuals reportedly entered vehicles at Autohaus on Edens, 1600 Frontage Road, at 1:40 p.m.
Sept. 2
• A residential window reportedly was damaged at a reported cost of $800 between Sept. 2-4 in the 500 block of Dundee Road.
Sept. 3
• Jewelry, cash and a purse reportedly were stolen between 4:30-9:35 p.m. from a townhome in the 1700 block of Colonial Lane. According to the report, a rear sliding door was pried open.
Aug. 31
• Cash and a credit card reportedly were taken from an unattended purse in the 400 block of Kenilworth Avenue.
The Record’s police reports are taken from police-activity summaries prepared by local police departments. Police Reports contain public information from preliminary reports and are not a complete listing of all police activity. The Record does not publish the names of individuals arrested for nonviolent crimes in preliminary reports unless the incident is a matter of public safety or has broad community implications. All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty.
This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.