Police Reports: Middle schoolers approached on walk home; car listed on Facebook is stolen
These reports were pulled from the latest police summaries provided by departments in our coverage area (Wilmette, Winnetka, Northfield, Kenilworth and Glencoe).
Jan. 14
• In an email, Wilmette District 39 officials warned parents of a suspicious incident earlier in the week when two Harper Elementary School students reportedly were approached by a male teenager who asked one of the students if that student wanted to see his genitals. The Harper students reportedly ran in one direction and the teenager in the other and no physical contact was made. The district said it is communicating with the Wilmette Police Department on the incident.
Jan. 13
• A car reportedly was stolen following what a resident thought was a transaction. According to the report the resident listed his car, a 2010 VW sedan, on Facebook Marketplace and agree to meet a potential buyer at Plaza del Lago, 1515 Sheridan Road. Two individuals showed up to meet the resident and one of them reportedly drove away with the resident’s car while the other drove away in another car.
Jan. 12
• A home reportedly was broken into between 5:40-8 p.m. in the 800 block of Laramie Avenue. The homeowner reportedly was not home at the time and forced entry was made through the front door. It was unknown at the time of the police report what if anything was taken.
• An unlocked car reportedly was unlawfully entered in the 1600 block of Wilmette Avenue.
• An unlocked car reportedly was unlawfully entered in the 200 block of Catalpa Place.
Jan. 11
• An electric scooter reportedly was stolen from outside a home in the 1400 block of Isabella Street.
• A bottle of medication reportedly was stolen from the CVS Pharmacy in Plaza del Lago, 1515 Sheridan Road.
Jan. 7
• A resident reportedly answered an email she believed was from her friend and asked her to purchase an Amazon gift card. According to the report the friend did not send the email.
• Catalytic converters reportedly were stolen off two vehicles — one in the 300 block of Skokie Boulevard and one in the 300 block of Ridge Road.
Jan. 7
• A mailed check reportedly was altered and fraudulently cashed in the amount of $1,907.22.
Jan. 6
• A check that was dropped in a Village of Winnetka dropbox in late December reportedly was altered. The dropbox was broken into on between Dec. 26-28.
• A jacket; wallet containing cash, gift cards and a debit card; and headphones reportedly were stolen from a home in the 800 block of Prospect Avenue. The reported financial loss is $1,554.
• Street signs reportedly were stolen in multiple locations in Winnetka. The reported loss is $1,100 for signs removed at Elder Lane and Church Street, Sunset Road and Church Street, High Street and Winnetka Avenue, and Ash Street. Other signs at High Street and Winnetka Avenue reportedly were damaged.
Jan. 7
• A resident’s cryptocurrency account reportedly was robbed of $15,000 in cryptocurrency.
Jan. 6
• Four checks reportedly were forged from a resident’s bank account. The reported loss is $10,850.
The Record’s police reports are taken from police-activity summaries prepared by local police departments. Police Reports contain public information from preliminary reports and are not a complete listing of all police activity. The Record does not publish the names of individuals arrested for nonviolent crimes in preliminary reports unless the incident is a matter of public safety or has broad community implications. All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty
This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.