Police Reports: Handful of street signs removed, multiple bike thefts
These reports were pulled from the latest police summaries provided by departments in our coverage area (Wilmette, Winnetka, Northfield, Kenilworth and Glencoe).
Oct. 27
• A bicycle reportedly was taken from an unlocked garage in the 200 block of Greenleaf Ave.
Oct. 26
• A store in the 400 block of Linden Avenue reportedly was robbed at 3:57 p.m.
• A cellphone reportedly was stolen from a business in the 400 block of Linden Avenue and later found on a CTA Red Line train.
• The rear window of a Chevy Trailblazer reportedly was broken in the 200 block of Sunset Drive.
Oct. 24
• A bicycle and bike helmet reportedly were stolen from a detached garage in the 200 block of Greenleaf.
Oct. 22
• Items reportedly were stolen from a car in the 1500 block of Walnut.
• Items reportedly were stolen at 12:07 p.m. from the Walgreens at 3232 Lake Ave.
• A bike reportedly was stolen from a bike rack in the Wilmette Metra lot, 722 Green Bay Road.
Oct. 21
• A bicycle reportedly was stolen from a bike rack at 754 Elm St. The reported loss was $1,830.
Oct. 18 and 20
• A number of street signs reportedly were discovered missing over the two dates. The signs were missing from the intersections of Ash Street and Glendale Avenue, Cherry Street and Glendale Avenue, Oak Street and Rosewood Avenue, and Cherry Street and Locust Street.
Oct. 21
• A car reportedly was damaged with a large scratch along the side. The reported loss is $500.
Oct. 20-22
• The department took four reports of identify theft with accounts being fraudulently opened in a resident’s name.
Oct. 20
• The catalytic converter reportedly was removed from a car in the 1600 block of Mount Pleasant.
The Record’s police reports are taken from police-activity summaries prepared by local police departments. Police Reports contain public information from preliminary reports and are not a complete listing of all police activity. The Record does not publish the names of individuals arrested for nonviolent crimes in preliminary reports unless the incident is a matter of public safety or has broad community implications. All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty
This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.