News Briefs: Free COVID-19 testing in Winnetka, Village of Glencoe promotions, carjacking prevention tips, property tax update
Locals in search of a COVID-19 test will have access to free comprehensive testing from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 7, at the Winnetka Bible Church, 555 Birch St.
Those interested in getting tested do not need an appointment, according to information on the church’s website.
Results will be delivered within 72 hours and will be sent by text message or email. Testing will be self-administered.
Anyone with health insurance is eligible for the free testing. Uninsured people are also eligible but must present a social security card or a valid driver’s license to get the free test.
For more information, call (847) 446-7523. To preregister, visit avellinocov2.com.
Village of Glencoe announces 2021 staff promotions, title changes
With the start of the new fiscal year on Jan. 1, the Village of Glencoe announced several changes for existing staff.
“These changes underscore the Village’s commitment to hiring and developing excellent staff in service to the Glencoe community,” according to village documents.
Jordan Lester has served as the management analyst/deputy village clerk since July 2017 and as part of a restructuring of village manager’s office functions has been promoted to assistant to the village manager.
Since joining the Glencoe team, Lester has worked closely with the business community as a member of the Business Services Team, taken a lead role in public communications and worked on numerous strategic plan initiatives. Lester also serves as the deputy village clerk and as the staff liaison to the Historic Preservation Commission.
As the assistant to the village manager, Lester will have an expanded role in special projects, process improvement and performance measurement.
Mario Moreno has been promoted to second assistant superintendent at the Glencoe Golf Club, after serving as the assistant superintendent in training since early 2020.
Moreno contributes more than 20 years of industry experience to his role in the golf club’s maintenance, capital improvement projects and operations and has been integral in the golf club’s operations during an exceptionally busy 2020 season. In his new role, Moreno will have enhanced operational and supervisory responsibilities that bolster the golf club’s team.
James Tigue has been named village engineer after serving as the village’s civil engineer since 2019. Tigue is a licensed professional engineer and holds a Certified Floodplain Manager designation. Tigue has nearly 15 years of municipal engineering experience.
Tigue is heavily involved in managing infrastructure improvement projects as part of the Village’s Community Investment Program and was heavily engaged in the new Forest Edge subdivision process in 2020.
“Each of these individuals has not only outstanding technical skills, but tremendous customer service skills that we deeply value,” Village Manager Phil Kiraly said. “I am immensely proud of their contributions to our team and our community, and I look forward to their continued success.”
Glencoe shares tips to prevent carjacking
Carjacking, which is stealing a car by force, has become a frightening trend in Chicagoland, from the city to the suburbs.
According to Glencoe Public Safety some thieves find it simpler to steal a car while the owner is inside . Many of these cars are stolen and used to commit other violent crimes, the department said, or simply because the thief wants to take the vehicle for a ride. No matter the purpose, these crimes are very dangerous for the victim.
Glencoe Public Safety warned that the best way to help prevent a carjacking is always being aware of your surroundings. And also offered the following tips:
When getting into your car:
- Walk with purpose and stay alert.
- Approach your car with the keys in hand. Look around and inside the car before getting in.
- Be wary of people loitering in the area.
- Trust your instincts; if something makes you feel uneasy, get into the car quickly, lock the doors and drive away.
While on the road:
- Keep your doors locked and windows rolled up (at least part-way), no matter how short the distance you will be walking or how safe the neighborhood.
- Be especially alert when stopped at intersections, gas stations, ATMs and convenience stores.
- When you are coming to a stop, leave enough room to maneuver around other cars, especially if you sense trouble and need to get away. You should be able to see the rear tires of the car ahead of you.
- Drive in the center lane to make it harder for would-be carjackers to approach the car.
- Avoid driving alone, especially at night.
- Do not stop to assist a stranger whose car is broken down. Instead, help by driving to the nearest phone and calling police to help.
- Keep your cellphone in your pocket. If your vehicle is stolen, you will have a way of contacting 911. If your cell phone is left inside the vehicle, you will be stranded without a way to call for help.
When getting out of your car:
- Park in well-lighted areas, near sidewalks or walkways. Avoid parking near dumpsters, woods, large vans or trucks, or anything else that limits your visibility.
- Never leave valuables in plain sight; lock your car and take the keys.
- Even if you are rushed, look around before you exit your vehicle and stay alert to your surroundings.
If carjacking happens to you:
- If the carjacker threatens you with a gun or other weapon, give up your car. Do not argue. Your life is worth more than your car. Get away from the area as quickly as possible.
- Try to remember what the carjacker looked like: gender, race, age, hair and eye color, special features, clothes. Also remember the description of any vehicles involved, like the color, make, model, license plate.
- Report the crime immediately to the police.
Renewals for property tax exemptions are not required this year
Taxpayers who received property tax exemptions last year will not have to renew them this year thanks to a special pandemic-driven law, explained New Trier Township.
According to the township, ordinarily, senior citizens eligible for the Senior Freeze have to renew their exemptions annually, as do people receiving disability exemptions. This year, however, it will not be necessary to renew these and other property tax exemptions.
“The state legislature voted not to require tens of thousands of taxpayers to send renewal forms to government offices during the pandemic,” New Trier Assessor Jan Churchwell said in a statement. “Instead, for this year only, the Senior Freeze, Disabled Veteran and Disabled Person exemptions will be automatically renewed. Also, auto-renewal of Homeowner and Senior Exemptions — already in effect before the pandemic — will continue.”
The Senior Freeze Exemption provides additional tax savings for low- to moderate-income seniors. To be eligible this year, the combined income of all people in the senior’s household must have been less than $65,000 in calendar year 2019, and the senior must have been an owner-occupant of the property since Jan. 1, 2019.
According to Churchwell, all exemptions will appear on the second installment tax bills that will be mailed in the summer.
Due to the pandemic, the township offices remain closed to the public, but Churchwell and Deputy Assessor Leonard Shifflett are available by phone and email. Call (847) 446 -8200 or email jchurchwell@newtriertownship.com or lshifflett@newtriertownship.com.
To submit a news brief, email newsroom@therecordns.org.
This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.